Happiness on vacation is…
Renting a house with a games room that features an original 1982 Galaga console and scoring over 140,000 on the first day.
Turning your kids on to a video game made in 1982.
Finding a grapefruit tree in your backyard loaded with heavy, ripe fruit.
Wireless access, poolside on the new MacBook Pro.
Coming from frigid Edmonton to a Palm Springs desert heatwave in April.
A bar fridge full of Coronas and Dead Guy Ale.
A 28-hour solo road trip, including a night in Vegas, before meeting the family.
Bike rides in the early morning desert heat.
Discovering a truly excellent cup of cappuccino at Espresso Cielo in Palm Springs.
Reading any novel Jonathan Franzen. (In my case, it’s The Corrections.)
..and a little #4 wouldn’t hurt either.